As the engineer who designs and produces the membrane switches for over fifteen years, here I would like to share some information about the construction of the membrane switch design.
The main raw material of the membrane switch is the plastic, like the mostly machines & tools that we use. It’s much different from the metal switch, difference from the computer keypads, the difference from the micro-switch, difference from the traditional rocker switch. The membrane switch has a beautiful appearance, the small volume, the lightweight, the low resistance, the easy produce & custom, the complex control integration, and the long lifetime advantage.
For the standard membrane switch, it builds with 6 layers, sees the below 1~6 layers.
Layer1: This is the front layers of the membrane switches, the users directly see and touch such layers directly. Normally, such layer build with the hard coat Polyester sheets or the hard coat Polycarbonate sheets, the front surface can be printed with the different colors, the difference text, the different patterns, the printing is on the backside of such layers (Means you can’t scratch the printing).
Layer2: The layers are the double-side adhesive, it’s been used to stick the top and the bottom layers together. If there has the keys or the windows on the top layer, such a layer will be designing the cut holes.
Layer3: This is the metal dome retainer layer, for the membrane switch that with the keys design, the metal domes will be used for help to get good keys tactile feelings. The dome retainer layer can help to hold on the metal domes permanent, even though the membrane switch used at the very bump environments.
Layer4: This is the double-side adhesive layer, it’s used for stock the top layer and the bottom layer together.
Layer5: The layer for the circuits design. Normally, it can design the Polyester sheet that printing the silver as the circuits, it can be designed with copper flexible circuits, it can be designed with the PCBs circuits.
Layer6: The layer is usually designed with the double side adhesive, such as the 3M 200MP series, the 3M 300LSE series, the 3M 300VHB series, the adhesive can be a very good stick to the plastic material (Like the ABS, the Acrylic, the Makrolon, the PVC) the metal material (Like the stainless steel, the aluminum plate), the glass material (Like the glass, like the PMMA) and etc., the such adhesive can be work at the temperature at -40℃~80℃.
Layer7: The layer here is the circuits tail connection, it can design the ZIF contacts, design with the male pins connection, design with the female pins connection, also can design with the connect solder pads.
Foundation Industries have many years of experience in design with the membrane switch. We produce over ten thousand different membrane switches for our customers, and each switch is with different designs (Difference shape, difference keys, difference printing or colors, difference function). We are very proud that so many services for many famous companies, such as GE the Siemens, the Bosch, etc., We provide all our customer high-quality products. Also, we are very welcome the more business from anyone.